Labor Day also symbolizes the end of summer, that's close to pagan belief.
Yes everything is pagan except your marriage ring. LOL
Labor Day also symbolizes the end of summer, that's close to pagan belief.
Yes everything is pagan except your marriage ring. LOL
it's funny folks , it's x rated..
If you are a comedian just think of all the material you could get for your act,
JW life and WT creed offer unlimited material.LOL
so we were talking about noah for our family worship tonight and it ended with a little debate between me and my parents about how the flood was possible.
you know, where did the water come from, how did all the animals fit, etc.
of course it led nowhere and my parents came up with some strange theories like that there was "an expanse of water in the sky" and that's where all the water came from.
Blackwolf: Check out the search pages here on the flood, you will have all the information
you need on that subject. Type in flood and start reading, have fun.....
it's funny folks , it's x rated..
Thanks oppostate.
it's funny folks , it's x rated..
It's funny folks , it's X rated.
my son best friend (both raised in borg) met in high school and remain friends over.
and just this pass week another brother killed his wife (or girlfriend) and killed himself in northern.
stuckinamovenment: Not sure about the location but will find out.
my son best friend (both raised in borg) met in high school and remain friends over.
and just this pass week another brother killed his wife (or girlfriend) and killed himself in northern.
My son best friend (both raised in borg) met in high school and remain friends over
20 years. His friend father left the family when his mom became a JW, 5 boys a two girls.
A few years back one of his older brothers was killed when the car he was working on fell on him,
and just this pass week another brother killed his wife (or girlfriend) and killed himself in northern
Over the years my son has learned the truth about the truth and they both have had many discussion and
both have come out of the borg healthy. Both married with lovely wives and kids.
My son and his friend worked together in a store in HS and one day my son said his friend father walked into
the store and he introduced him to his father. My son said it was very awkward, it was if his friend was meeting an
old friend, very cold. The mom and the two daughters are still JW but the five sons left as soon as they were old enough.
IT's sad because I know his friend well, very nice young man.
But I wonder about the boys(his brothers), no relationship with their father and mother. I realize these things
happen to people that are not JW but still I wonder how much of an effect it(raised a JW) has had in their lives.
My son and his friend both in their mid 30's, his friend is the younger brother of the five.
last night.
pub quiz.
12 teams, somewhere in darkest england.. category: eternal flame.
Wikipedia: WT prediction were held for the arrival of Armageddon in 1975 but later
apologized to members by the GB. So it seems like everyone knows about the prediction
except the JW. LOL
on the local nyc 6pm news a reporter interviewed a guy behind bars for burglary to ask him how they scope out the people/house they hit, this guy just said he even put on a tie and pretended he was a jw while scoping out the place to see what their schedule is, to see if anyone is at home.. have to say smart move on the burglars part, but of course not a smart move at all to break in and take other folks property.
How about arresting the Pedophillia that knock on your door.....
sorry for this matter has been already discussed.. i got shocked after watching this video:.
kingdom hall disaster demonstration.
this is really insane !!!
Lewis Black on "Nuclear Holocaust", youtube. He was instructed to hide under his desk in
school in case of a Nuclear Holocaust, a wooden desk of all things( kindle).